Mended Crowns partners up with a homeless organization or orphanage to schedule a day to come in with costumes and/or Mended Crowns Kits (capes, crowns, coloring books, and crayons) for every youth under the age of 24. Mended Crowns’ team and volunteers spend time giving the costumes out, helping the youth dress up (put costume and accessories on over clothes), and celebrating. We hand out Mended Crowns coloring books with positive sayings such as, “I am courageous.” We go over the positive sayings together and spend time encouraging them to remember who they want to be.
For the older crowd (middle school, high school, and older), the Mended Crowns team is available to dedicate time, aside from the Super Party, talking with and encouraging them to tap into their child-like imagination while holding onto every bit of courage, boldness, & confidence they feel when they put on their costume.
Mended Crowns works with the organizations ahead of time to get all estimates and details needed to have a fun, successful Mended Crowns Super Party!
Do you work for a homeless organization or a youth organization that would love for us to come throw a Mended Crowns Super Party?
We’d love to partner with you! Fill out the contact form below!